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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the instructors' qualifications?
Many Fremont STEM instructors are alumni of Fremont, several of which have earned or are pursuing one or more advanced degrees (M.A., M.S., M.D., Ph.D.). While in college, these individuals have performed at or near the top of their class. For more details, please view our faculty & staff profiles here.
Where are the classes held?
Our main site is at 43475 Ellsworth Street in the heart of Fremont's Mission San Jose district (across the street from Ohlone College.) For more information or to schedule a visit, email
What is the student-to-instructor ratio?
All classes are capped at 30 students, with several classes as small as 4-5 students; if a class gets too big, it will be split into two or more sections.
What is the cost?
We pride ourselves in providing top-notch education at a highly affordable price. Our cost-per-hour averages to around $8-12. Science classes with a lab component are subject to a $75 laboratory fee to help fund equipment, reagents, and safety wear. Costs are averaged over an estimated amount of class time and are paid on a flat fee. If finances are an issue, email and we will help you to work things out. Partial and full scholarships are available for low-income families with demonstrable financial hardship.
Can I try out a class?
Our classes are in high demand, and space is limited. Thus, we do not permit students or parents to "try out" classes. Only registered students may attend scheduled class times unless otherwise excepted by the instructor. Students who have enrolled in the class online using the registration form are expected to pay the full amount due by the first class attended. Starting in fall 2017, all courses require a $150 non-refundable tuition deposit to secure your seat in the class.
What is the duration of each class?
It depends. Most summer classes run for about 6-7 weeks. For specific course-related information, click here to view our classes.
School year classes are divided by semester, and are aligned with a typical semester schedule:
Fall: September - January
Spring: January - June
What if my kid cannot make it to class for a particular week due to a planned family vacation?
No problem! We've had kids take time off for vacation, and the classes are built in a way to accommodate those plans. All lectures are video-recorded, and students who miss class are encouraged to attend office hours of the instructor to make sure they have a full grasp of the material they missed.
How much of the curriculum will be covered in the summer?
All of it. This sounds ambitious, but it's actually quite doable. Over the course of 6-7 weeks, students will be taken through the entirety of a year's material while having lots of fun and learning cool things at the same time! We don't expect students to be complete experts of the subject at the end of the summer (although many kids do end up mastering the material) but rather to gain an appreciation for learning and a good foundation for the school year.
What is the workload like?
We don't believe in extra busywork over the summer, so our course content homework is usually made optional (though this may vary from course to course). Our goal is to teach and learn in an engaging and relevant way that makes studying a pleasure, not a chore. Please see individual course syllabi to see how this is specifically embodied in the courses you are enrolled in.
Are there any available discounts?
Yes. We give a $50 discount for each referral. Additionally, returning students and siblings will be given 25% off. Each subsequent course signup is also subject to additional discounts. We do not pro-rate fees for missed class time. Class prices listed on the syllabus or online are tentative in nature and subject to change and adjustment. Course fees are non-negotiable. Finalized course costs are sent out via invoices to each parent before the start of the term.
Where can we get one-on-one help?
Right here! All our instructors hold weekly office hours wherein students can drop in for one-on-one help in understanding particularly challenging problems and concepts and receive additional instruction at no additional cost. We encourage our students to be proactive in their learning experience, to know when they need help, and to know where to go to ask for help and get the support they need.
What about during the school year?
Ongoing group lessons continue through the school year for Honors/CP Biology, Honors/CP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and AP Physics. For math, group tutoring will be offered for Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and AP Calculus; and, for computer science: AP CS (Java) and Python. Open "Cram Jam" sessions will be provided for finals week studying for both first and second semester finals, as well as the week of AP testing (for AP courses). These school year courses are aligned with the sequence of topics in school.
Can class fees be pro-rated to compensate for the class days that my student will miss?
Our team makes the highest effort to make sure every student receives the academic suport they need, in and out of class. Thus, classes tuitions are a non-negotiable flat fee, and no course wil be pro-rated for missed classes. It is the student's responsibility to arrange office hours with instructors to cover material they missed.
Can I withdraw from a class after registering?
Our ability to offer classes at an affordable cost depends on the integrity of registered parents and students to commit to the classes they have registered for. Therefore, if you choose to withdraw from a class part-way, there is a strict no-refund policy, with the exception of legitimate and unexpected emergencies. Refunds will be given at the instructor's discretion. Individuals who withdraw after the start of the course are still expected to pay the full amount of the course. Effective Fall 2017, the deposit is non-refundable, and a $75 withdrawal fee will be charged for every class withdrawn from before the beginning of the term. Online registration is considered a binding agreement to commit to the classes enrolled in. Failure to comply with the withdrawal policy may result in our refusal to admit your student in future STEM classes.
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